Dissociated Connection
‘Dissociated Connection’ is a series exploring the connection a person has with themselves, others around them, and the environment they’re in.
“Interesting people are everywhere, it's only when they're in an environment that holds them, that embraces them, that they drop their amour. But it goes both ways, that same environment allows it to feel safe to stop and see them. That is why Soho, and it’s surroundings, are a photographer’s paradise”
“Quite often things people aren’t as they first seem. Something that initally appears sad can be heart warming, or a scene which brings a chuckle will later take on a tragic vibe. Or often I’ll feel drawn to somone doing something that makes no sense, and it’s only weeks later that I connect with the part of myself that resonated with what was happening”
“It’s only possible to connect with others to the same depth to which a person is able to connect with themselves, and since this is ever changing, the things I connect with when I’m out with my camera change too”